It's Been a While Continued

We had a great trip and as always a good time visiting with friends there at Wilson Creek Baptist Church in Battlefield, MO. The Madory’s are there now so we missed them by a few days. Not to worry though. Jentrie and Madison ’s birthdays are coming up in March and I am very much looking forward to going down to Edmond to see them and making a big cake for Madi’s big day – Sweet 16!! Anyway, when the weekend was over so was the fun...back to work! During the snow storms (aka Oklahoma Blizzard 2011) that hit here over the last few weeks our office was closed for 3 days total. These are just a few pictures I took at our place. Mom's car is under there somewhere Back porch table and chairs My car...which was destined to sit in that spot until all the snow melted. It doesn't do well in this weather...or I don't do well in it...either way...there it sat. Back in town...our offices being closed made it necessary for us to make up the los...