And the First Round Goes To...
In the battle between "me" versus "all the stuff", I was most certainly and sadly defeated. Last Tuesday I got through all the childhood memories boxes and was optimistic that I could finish it. But by Friday boxes and tubs seemed to be showing up out of nowhere and I was reduced to overwhelmed exhausted mess of a person. One day I think I sat there for 30 minutes to an hour just looking at everything and not knowing what to do next. Looking back I know I got some things accomplished but it was just too much for one person in that amount of time. So it's still waiting for me and hopefully next time I will be bringing backup and we will be victorious! Meanwhile at my "new home" this week, I had much to do to get settled in. I am soooo grateful to a very good friend who came over and went through everything (EVERYTHING) with me and basically got me organized. When it comes to being organized at work - I'm good to go. Most of the time ...