
Showing posts from March, 2012

And the First Round Goes To...

In the battle between "me" versus "all the stuff", I was most certainly and sadly defeated. Last Tuesday I got through all the childhood memories boxes and was optimistic that I could finish it. But by Friday boxes and tubs seemed to be showing up out of  nowhere and I was reduced to overwhelmed exhausted mess of a person. One day I think I sat there for 30 minutes to an hour just looking at everything and not knowing what to do next. Looking back I know I got some things accomplished but it was just too much for one person in that amount of time. So it's still waiting for me and hopefully next time I will be bringing backup and we will be victorious!  Meanwhile at my "new home" this week, I had much to do to get settled in. I am soooo grateful to a very good friend who came over and went through everything (EVERYTHING) with me and basically got me organized. When it comes to being organized at work - I'm good to go. Most of the time ...

Hello My Name is Sarah....and I'm a Pack Rat

I know when I tell you this you will picture me stuck in a house maze with piles of newspapers and stacks of everything else in the world all over but I'll tell you anyway. I had to come back home this week to finish moving my leftover stuff into storage. (by the way there is no house maze - just a few (that's more than three right?) boxes in a garage - sorry to disappoint) I'm trying to condense as much as possible...and that means going through everything....E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!  I wanted to start with the old stuff first. I got started this afternoon and after 4 hours I can say I can not believe all the stuff I kept as a kid! You just wouldn't believe it. I was asking myself...what was I thinking? I had every card anyone has ever given me since the beginning of time. And I'm not just talking birthdays and Christmas. Thank you cards, party invitations, and VALENTINES DAY cards! The ones with cutesy little characters on the front and the back ...