The Beginning

At the beginning of June, my sister, Shauna, left to go work at Silver State Baptist Youth Camp for the summer. I was very happy and excited for her because we both love that place and the tremendous impact it has had on our lives and the lives of others…I could write a whole post just on that!! Maybe another day… Even though our church was not able to take our young people there this year, I had the opportunity to go and ride with Wilson Creek Baptist Church in Battlefield, MO. You’ve heard of the phrase “my home away from home”. Well that is my church away from church. I know them first because of camp and second because I was a member there when I lived in Springfield during my first year of college. I love visiting and spending time with my “family” there. So it was an extra special blessing to get to go along for the ride with them to camp.

Normally every year I tell our teens that God knew exactly who would be here and he has something specifically for you if you are open to it and looking for it. As in years past, I took my own advice. I was able to spend time with Shauna, serve at the extra meals and seek what God had for me. There is something about getting away from the worries of the world for a week and hearing God honoring preaching from the Bible and spending time with God in the mountains! I highly recommend it. The week went on and every service was great. Souls were being saved! Lives were being changed. Those are awesome things to see! I thank God again for the opportunity to be there.

Then Thursday morning we all met in the tabernacle to watch a video from the Madory’s. Denny and Angela Madory and their 3 children, Madison, Lonnie and Jentrie, are missionaries to Nairobi, Kenya in East Africa. They came back to the States for the summer on request from the camp director (and leading from God) to teach the 10 am hillside class for the summer. Their video was a pictorial of their first year of ministry and what God accomplished in that time. It was very good and I wish you all could see it. When the video was over they both went down front to take questions from the audience for the remainder of the class. In that time the thought came into my mind - “what if …you went there?”

To be continued….


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