Let's Trade Prayers

I don’t normally do this but I have something I need prayer about but I cannot share the details with you right now. But I believe in the power of prayer!!!  I remember at one point (well several points) on my trip to Kenya last year when I knew the only reason that things went the way they did was because I had people praying for me all over the place! Possibly more than ever before. It was a wonderfully comforting thought. I need that again right now and  I’m asking that you please pray on my behalf – God knows the reason. This isn’t a one way prayer. I already pray for several of you, my friends, who I know by name. I will be praying for those of you that I’ve never had the pleasure to meet also. I had a highschool teacher who still to this day sends postcards at random times that say – Today I prayed for you… I ran across one recently (I never throw them away) that said “Let’s Trade Prayers”. I think that is an excellent idea. So will you trade prayers with me today?

With Love and Prayers,


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