Focus on America 2011

Well the conference was wonderful! I enjoyed all the services that I was able to attend so much. There were men there from all over the country presenting the work God is using them in. It was exciting to see God meet their needs and even before that to hear the excitement and enthusiasm they had for sharing the Gospel where God has called them. The preaching from some faithful servants of God was excellent. Even just hearing testimonies from others about their salvation and what God has done is their life is uplifting and reminds us that He is able... I believe if God gives us the opportunity to share what He has done for us we should never take that for granted. I'm not saying that because I believe I have such a great testimony but rather because I can think of several times in my life where someones else's testimony has helped me a great deal and I appreciated their willingness to share it. 

This is just a short post because I don't have time to tell you everything but I appreciate our Pastor and church so much for having the vision to host this conference. It was a blessing to me and I know it was to all who came seeking what the Lord would have for them. I know a lot of work went into it but I think it was well worth the effort and I am thankful to those who were willing to put in the time, effort and money to make it happen. I can tell you after helping out in the kitchen for a couple of days, I have a whole new respect for our cook at summer camp. Preparing meals large enough to feed several hundred people is a lot of hard work! After two days, I was pretty worn out by the time I got home late last night and I was just a little helper. Our cook at camp does it 5-6 days a week for 9 weeks in a row!! What an amazing lady. But I had a great time doing it and I was just really thrilled to be there and be privileged to help out with such a great group of people.

I also got to see some old friends and make some new ones too. Overall it was just a fantastic time to see these church planters, pastors and christian workers come together to meet needs to further the gospel in this country. After all, if new churches don't get planted in America who will support missionaries to be sent out to other countries? It all works together. There are still many lost people in this country in need of a Saviour- open a newspaper, turn on the tv, look out your front door... Jesus is still the answer.


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