Back from Prison
Just wanted to let
you know that we made it in and out of prison and it was GREAT! I’ll write more
about it when I am reunited with my computer (I left it in Missouri so I’m
without this week!)
I have some exciting stuff to tell you about what is
going on with the Madory’s and the opportunities God is giving them in Kenya
too. So stay tuned for that. In the mean time head on over to their website and
read the last few newsletters. If you would like to be added to Denny’s mailing
list send him an email with the request. Then anytime he sends out a new
newsletter it will come straight to you! This will keep you up to date on the
things going on there was well. Most of what you hear in the news about Kenya
is not very good right now as you read in my post titled Kenya in the News.
But God is still working there and doing great things!! Reading the Madory
newsletters is a great way to hear about that. Every time I read one I am
always excited to hear about everything going on and a little sad because I’m
not there to see it!
Hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying the Fall weather!
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