Healer of Broken Hearts

Well I found myself really wanting to talk to one of my sisters or my mom tonight but they all go to bed at such reasonable hours so... here I am... telling you, the Internet, about my day.

Have you ever had a day where at the end you would just like to go to the browser history in your brain and erase the last 12 hours from your mind? There is just so much sadness and heartache in this world. You see people hurt each other, on accident, but also on purpose. You wonder how people can do these things to each other? How can they do these things to themselves? How did they end up where they are? What can fix all these crazy messes?! But there aren't any easy fixes or easy answers that make everything magically better.

One thing I do know to be true is that Jesus is still THE ANSWER and apart from him it certainly is all hopeless.  But with him there is hope...Oh blessed hope!!  Special music seems to always be timely for me. We are supposed to sing a special next month and I had chosen a song called Healer of Broken Hearts and as I was thinking of all this driving home tonight I started to think of the words to this song.

If your heart has been broken
If your life seems in vain
Do not think that God doesn't care
Or doesn't feel your deepest pain
For he knows your every weakness
From heaven he sees each falling tear
Though it may seem at time he's far away
Turn around you'll find him near

For he's the healer of broken hearts
He can mend your shattered life
And give you peace within
He can fill that empty longing in your soul
Let Jesus touch your heart
He will cleanse and make you whole

If you've lost precious loved ones
Known the pain grief can bring
Jesus knows just how it can feel
When sorrow leaves no song to sing
Has someone that you once trusted
Left you drowning in despair
Just pick up the broken pieces friend
Take them to the one who cares

For he's the healer of broken hearts
He can mend your shattered life
And give you peace within
He can fill that empty longing in your soul
Let Jesus touch your heart
He will cleanse and make you whole

My prayer for all those that I'm thinking of today (and for myself on any given day) is for wisdom and that they would first seek after God and place him in the proper place in their life and allow him to heal their broken hearts like I know only he can.



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